Rents -
ASB & Neighbourhoods -
Lettings -
Repairs -
Home Ownership -
Sheltered Housing -
Customer Involvement & Complaints -
General Enquiries –
01253 477900 select option 1 to contact our Rents Team
01253 477900 select option 2 to contact our Repairs & Maintenance service
01253 477900 select option 3 to contact our ASB & Neighbourhoods Team
01253 477900 select option 4 then option 1 to contact our Lettings Team
01253 477900 select option 4 then option 2 to contact our Care & Repair service
01253 477900 select option 4 then option 3 to contact our Customer Feedback and complaints service
To speak to a member of our More Positive Together (MPT) Team please call 01253 477920
If your enquiry does not relate to any of the above, please dial 01253 477900 select option 4 and wait to speak to one of our advisers.
Blackpool Coastal Housing,
Coastal House
17-19 Abingdon Street
You can arrange to speak to us in person at our offices located in the town centre or at @thegrange (Grange Park), as well as at a local community centre. Our operating times are Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm and Friday 9am - 4.30pm.
Coastal House is open to the public Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 10am - 2pm.
Our ASB & Neighbourhoods Team and our Repairs Team are located at @thegrange, which is open Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm and Friday 9am - 4.30pm.